Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2019


D. Surkov
Using of 6% hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.42 in term neonates during acute period of hie.
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2019;7(1):1-7
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P. Egbohou, T. Mouzou, H. D. Sama, A. Sarakawabalo, L. Randolph, K. Tomta
Pediatric mortality in the multipurpose intensive care unit of Sylvanus Olympio Teaching Hospital (CHU SO) of Lomé (Togo).
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2019;7(1):8-12
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E. M. Nasibova
Maintenance of airway patency with a laryngeal mask and COPA-airway during small surgical interventionin children.
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2019;7(1):13-21
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D. Surkov
Is dexmedetomidine a potential neuroprotective agent for term neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy?
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2019;7(1):22-30
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S. Hentzen, D. Haret, C. Ward, A. R. Peterson
King Devick Test as a Monitor of Anesthetic Recovery. A validation study.
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2019;7(1):31-36
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Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2019

R. Manimalethu, J. D. Tobias
Aprepitant to control nausea and vomiting in the Pediatric ICU setting
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2019;7(2):37-41
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PDG Mawandza, GF Otiobanda, G Ekouya Bowassa, LIP Ondima, C Mboutol-Mandavo, JA Mbongo
Neonatal anesthesia in a country in sub-Saharan Africa.
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2019;7(2):42-46
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Sema Şanal Baş
General anesthesia for congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a single institution’s experience. (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal 2019;7(2):47-52
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ISSN: 2281-8421 "Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal", Open Access Journal, © 2013-2023 Copyright Information

ISSN: 2281-8421 "Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal", Open Access Journal, © 2013-2023 Copyright Information